Galvan Law
(Galván Abogados)
Law Firm in Mexico
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What it is
Galvan Law is a hub where knowledge and experience from lawyers specialized in different subjects come together in order to offer our customers straight forward solutions; among other legal subjects, Civil and Mercantile Law, Business Law, Tax Law and Government Law. Also, knowledge and experience from an interdisciplinary support team that includes specialists in Architecture, Accounting, Engineering and information technologies among many other matters. As a result of the interaction of the legal and interdisciplinary teams Galvan Law offers integral solutions, mainly regarding Contract Law.
As important as the definition of the service concept is the accountability of the project. Considering the amount of information and disinformation floating on the Internet, as well as the amount of fraudulent providers taking advantage of good will customers, to prove the existence of Galvan Law as a formal incorporated company, as well as an innovative service proposal is elemental. Material components: It has a street address, meaning it fills a space outside the web, at: Dr. Agustín Torres Cravioto 102-A, 42090, Pachuca de Soto, Hidalgo, México. A phone number where you can call: +52(55)10429337 And an e-mail where to write to: Formal components: It is legally incorporated under the form of a Sociedad Anónima (Limited Liability Corporation), complying with Mexican Law, under the name despacho jurídico, S.A. It is recorded in the Commerce Public Registry for Mexico City under the electronic commerce record number: 473982. Its IRS ID (in Mexico) is: ADJ1201123C1. The best way to validate this information is by means of the Sistema de Administración Tributaria (Mexico's IRS branch) at: Consulta Contribuyente. Follow the link, click on Persona Moral and input the IRS ID code. You will get the following message: Tipo de persona: Moral RFC: ADJ1201123C1 Estatus: RFC válido, y susceptible de recibir facturas This means the IRS ID is valid. IRS's Servicio de Administración Tributaria only validates taxpayers after checking on their legal status and the existence of their street address. Human components: The person responsible for everything related to is Alejandro Galván Gómez, the company's legal representative. Admitted attorney for Mexico, patent number 2541019, issued by the Dirección General de Profesiones, a Secretaría de Educación Pública branch that authorizes regulated practice in Mexico. You can validate this information at Registro Nacional de Profesionistas. Follow the link and fill in the form. Doing business with Galvan Law is safe.
Avoid business transactions with unreliable vendors.
Warning: records, affiliations and attributes described hereinabove are of the exclusive property of despacho jurídico, s.a. ( If you got to this information through any link from any DOMAIN other than, you are at the wrong place.
Galvan Law is a hub where knowledge and experience from an interdisciplinary team, made of lawyers (mainly) and specialists in Architecture, Accounting, Engineering, among others, come together. As a result of the interaction of this team Galvan Law offers integral solutions, mainly regarding Contract Law.
Galvan Law's mission is to draft and review agreements and contracts for its customers, providing legal background and support, clearing the way to establish both personal and business relationships.
From the beginning, Galvan Law transcended the conventional perception of law firms, conceived as an association of professional lawyers, united to render services regarding a particular subject. It evolved from the concept of service to that of solution, by means of understanding that practicing law is not always enough to bring answers to conflicts arisen from human relationships. It took a few years to transit towards a new identity as an aid in the search for solutions. Passing through specialization, targeted towards a deep understanding of a single subjet in order to offer thorough answers; moving afterwards towards a sum of specialties in order to cover different angles to each given problem; finally forming multidisciplinary teams in order to throw light over each case from the point of view of all disciplines involved. How ever, the sum of opinions, no matter how specialized they were, proved insufficient in the quest for answers to conflicts arisen from ever more complex human relationships. Acknowledging this made Galvan Law transcend that method and move to a holistic treatment of each given case, understanding that it is the interaction of the specialties that brings integral sulutions. This is the vision that guides Galvan Law while it moves from a physical to a virtual space.
Code of Ethics
Subscription/Identity/Dispute resolution/
Galvan Law's Ethics
The Lawyers Commandments/Values/Principles/Symbolism/References/
We, of course, adhere to th Code of Ethics for Electronic Commerce issued by the Federal Consumers Protection Office:
Galvan Law's Code of Ethics for Electronic Commerce
Chapter I. General Provisions
Article 1. Object. This Code of Ethics for Electronic Commerce establishes the values and principles that despacho jurídico, s.a. (hereinafter referred to as Galvan Law) observes in activities related to electronic commerce, in order to respect and promote consumer rights, foster a culture of responsible consumption, the promotion of human rights of consumers, ethical and responsible digital advertising, protection of vulnerable groups and self-regulation. Article 2. Scope of Application. Galvan Law will comply with the provisions established in this code in the transactions in which it participates through the use of digital electronic means in the national territory and undertakes to ensure that the principles established herein are complied with. The provisions of this code will not be applicable to incidents or derived technical failures that arise due to fortuitous events or force majeure. Article 3. Definitions. For the purposes of this code, it will be understood as: I. Adolescents: Persons between the age of twelve and less than eighteen years of age; II. Code: Code of Ethics for Electronic Commerce; III. Electronic Commerce: Any economic transaction that involves the offering, marketing or sale of goods, products or services using digital, optical or any other technology through a digital information system; IV. Consumer: The natural or legal person who acquires, performs or enjoys the goods, products or services as final recipient. Also to the natural or legal person who acquires, stores, uses or consumes goods or services in order to integrate them in processes of production, transformation, marketing or provision of services to third parties, only for the cases referred to in articles 99 and 117 of the Federal Consumer Protection Law; V. Personal Data: Any information concerning an identified or identifiable natural person. A person is considered to be identifiable when their identity can be determined directly or indirectly through any information; VI. Girls, boys and adolescents: Girls and boys are those under twelve years of age, and adolescents are persons between the age of twelve and under eighteen years of age. For the purposes of international treaties and the age of majority, children are those under eighteen years of age; VII. Provider: despacho jurídico, s.a. (referred to in this code as Galvan Law
); VIII. Advertising: Any form of commercial communication carried out by a supplier, which includes any process of creation, planning, execution and dissemination or transmission of advertising messages in order to promote the sale or consumption of goods, products or services; IX. Electronic commerce platform: X. Virtual store: It is a space within a website, in which goods or services are sold.Chapter II. Electronic Commerce
Article 4. Constitutional, Conventional and Legal Regulations. Galvan Law acts in accordance with the provisions of the Political Constitution of the United Mexican States and the international human rights treaties to which Mexico is a party, as well as the Federal Consumer Protection Law and in strict compliance with the Mexican Electronic Trade Standard (NMX-COE-001-SCFI-2018). Galvan Law adheres to and complies with the provisions of this code in order to conduct itself respectfully and ethically according to the rules that govern the development of its activities, particularly those that involve conflict with consumers regarding services hired. Article 5. Availability and collaboration with authorities. Galván Law will be willing to collaborate in the resolution of conflicts when consumers are presumed affected in their interests; and will be responsible for the services it provides, with the scope specified in the terms and conditions applicable to the services offered on this site. Article 6. Identity, payment and shipment or delivery mechanisms. a) Commercial name: Galvan Law (Galván Abogados or agalgodj); name or business name: despacho jurídico, S.A.; physical address: Dr. Agustín Torres Cravioto 102-A, 42090, Pachuca, Hidalgo, México; Federal Taxpayer Registry: ADJ1201123C1; phone number: +52(55)10429337; contact e-mail:; b) Services offered by Galvan Law are contracted by sending a query through the various means of contact available to the consumer on the home page of this Internet site, as specified in the section entitled Consultations, according to the terms and conditions of the legal notice; c) Once the query has been made, the consumer may revoke their consent for it to be carried out until before receiving the opinion and paying, without any responsibility or justification; d) If you are not satisfied with the service received, you can send your claim to explaining the reasons for your disagreement. Within three business days, Galvan Law will decide on the reimbursment of the amount paid for the service and will notify the consumer by email sent to the address indicated for this purpose; e) The term to exercise the right established in the preceding paragraph (guarantee period) is thirty calendar days, counted from the sending of the corresponding opinion; once the warranty period has elapsed, Galvan Law will not accept any more claims by the means described in the preceding paragraph; f) Any clarification or claim must begin with an email sent to explaining the doubts that give rise to the clarification or the reasons for the claim; within three business days, Galvan Law will respond by email sent to the address provided by the consumer for that purpose, making the clarification or resolving the matter of the claim. Service hours for these proceedings are every business day, from Monday to Friday, in accordance with the legislation of the United Mexican States, from 09:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. If the consumer is not satisfied with the results of the clarification or claim, Galvan Law agrees to submit to the procedures of Concilianet before PROFECO; g) To contract the services offered by Galvan Law, the consumer must be considered of legal age according to the applicable legislation in the place of residence or that established by Mexican legislation, whichever is higher; h) The treatment that Galvan Law gives to the personal data of users is defined in its privacy notice; i) All electronic money transactions on the Galvan Law site are subject to the policies of the PayPal platform; j) The prices of Galvan Law's services are published in the Services and prices section; k) All payment transactions will be backed by the corresponding fiscal voucher (CFDI)(CFDI), according to the policies of the Mexican tax authority; l) Consultations contracted through Galvan Law will be addressed in writing and sent to the consumer by digital means. Article 7. Terms and conditions. The terms and conditions of use of the services offered by Galvan Law through its website are available in the legal notice; the warning regarding the use of downloadable files; the privacy notice; and the terms and conditions for contracts drafting and review; and in this code; The aforementioned terms and conditions will be applicable to the services provided through the site; The e-commerce platform used by Galvan Law (PayPal) provides access to hyperlinks in order to facilitate access, filing and printing of certain information to improve the experience and provide certainty to the consumer when using the site. The applicability of the terms and conditions is subject to the provisions of the Federal Consumer Protection Law. Consequently, the consumer will enjoy all the rights recognized in the Law, in addition to those granted by these terms and conditions. All the rights, duties, benefits and guarantees contained in the Federal Consumer Protection Law are recognized and strictly applied by Galvan Law. The terms and conditions contain at least the following information about the services offered by Galvan Law: I. General or specific contracting conditions applicable in each case; II. Term of validity of offers and promotions; and III. Restrictions of payment or delivery, necessary conditions for the use or delivery and penalties for cancellation. Galvan Law will provide the consumer with adequate and clear information about the different services it provides, through images, audio and video, where appropriate, or any other tool it deems appropriate.
Chapter III. Digital Advertising.
Article 8. Principle of legality. The digital advertising used by Galvan Law is truthful, verifiable, clear and free of texts, dialogues, sounds, images, trademarks, designations of origin or other descriptions that lead or may lead to error or confusion due to them being misleading or abusive. Likewise, it adheres to the applicable regulations and, especially, to respect the rights, obligations and principles recognized by the Federal Consumer Protection Law. Article 9. Responsible digital advertising. The advertising that is developed as Galvan Law's e-commerce strategy: a) Is adequately identifiable as such; b) Contains the advertiser's identity and contact details; and c) It has a mechanism that allows the consumer to choose whether to stop receiving direct commercial advertising.
Chapter IV. Data Protection.
Article 10. General principles. Galvan Law adheres to the provisions of Article 16 of the Constitution, and recognizes the right that every person has to the protection of their personal data, access, rectification and cancellation of said data, as well as to express their opposition to its use in the terms established by applicable regulations. Galvan Law has a privacy notice, as an accessible, secure, easy-to-understand mechanism, with simple and clear language that allows the consumer to access all the information inherent to the treatment and protection given to their personal data. Galvan Law includes on its platform, and throughout the purchase process, warnings so that children and adolescents refrain from providing their personal data, without the authorization of their parents or guardians, such that only the latter may perform said purchase. Likewise, Galvan Law must verify the following: a) Identify content aimed solely at adults; b) Refrain from directly inciting children and adolescents to purchase goods, products or services, taking advantage of their inexperience or credulity, or to persuade their parents or guardians, or the parents or guardians of third parties, so that they buy the products or services in question; c) Avoid exposing children and adolescents to dangerous situations; d) Refrain from publishing, on its websites, content, statements or visual presentations that are illegal or that could cause mental, moral or physical harm to children and adolescents.
Chapter V. Human Rights.
Article 11. Vulnerable groups. Galvan Law acquires the commitment to respect and protect the rights of older adults, children and adolescents, people with disabilities and indigenous people, as well as other people subject to discrimination, quickly resolving their conflicts or doubts and taking care that the advertising that address them or to which they may have access fosters respect for dignity, fairness, safety and inclusion.
Chapter VI. Conflict resolution.
Article 12. Self-regulation and in-house dispute resolution. Galvan Law has its own mechanisms to resolve disputes with consumers when there is a breach of the obligations established in the Federal Consumer Protection Law, the Mexican Electronic Commerce Standard (NMX-COE-001-SCFI-2018) and in this code, described in articles 6 (mechanisms of identity, payment and shipping or delivery) and 7 (terms and conditions) above. Galvan Law recognizes self-regulation as a reliable, impartial, efficient and safe mechanism for the resolution of disputes related to commercial activities or practices that are carried out through digital electronic means, in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Ethics for Electronic Commerce issued by the Federal Consumer Protection Office. Article 13. Alternative Means of Dispute Resolution. Galvan Law will try to resolve disputes with consumers through alternative means of dispute resolution. Mediation, conciliation and arbitration will be essential to reach quick agreements, as established in the immediately preceding article, or through the procedures established by the Federal Consumer Protection Agency. Article 14. Link with the Federal Consumer Protection Agency. Galvan Law will comply with the provisions of the Federal Consumer Protection Law and will act diligently in conciliation procedures to reach agreements with the purpose of benefiting consumers. Article 15. Surveillance and Compliance with the Code. Galvan Law has its own mechanisms to monitor compliance with this code of ethics, as well as follow-up procedures in the event of non-compliance through the following means: Internal audit. Galvan Law carries out internal audit procedures on a monthly basis to detect irregularities. If this is the case, it proceeds to its immediate correction and the implementation of preemptive measures to avoid future incidents; Consumer comments. Galvan Law is always attentive to the clarifications, comments, claims and suggestions of consumers to improve its service through its dispute resolution mechanism as described in preceding paragraphs. Article 16. Commitment to compliance with the Code. Galvan Law adheres to this code and is committed to respect and comply with its provisions.
Galvan Law's Ethics
The Lawyers Commandments
1. Study: Law is in constant transformation. If you do not follow its steps every day, every day you will be less of a Lawyer. 2. Think: Law is learned by means of studying, but is exercised by means of thinking. 3. Work: Advocacy is an arduous fatigue in the service of Justice. 4. Fight: You must fight for the Law; but in that day when Law and Justice come to conflict, fight for Justice. 5. Be Loyal: Loyal to your client, whom you mustn’t abandon until you learn he is unworthy of you. Loyal to the judge, whom ignores the facts and must trust your word; and, in regard with the Law, he must, sometimes, trust the one you invoke. 6. Tolerate: Tolerate the other’s truth as much as you want your truth to be tolerated. 7. Be Patient: Time takes revenge from those things that are made without its collaboration. 8. Have Faith: Have faith in Law, as the best instrument in order for human beings to live together; in Justice as the normal destiny of Law; in Peace, as a good-natured substitute for Justice; and, above all, have faith in Liberty, without which there is no Law, nor Justice, nor Peace. 9. Forget: Advocacy is a fight among passions. If in every battle you were to fill your soul with rancor, there will come a day in which your life will be impossible for you. Once combat is over, forget your victory as soon as your defeat. 10. Love your Profession: Try to consider advocacy in such a way that, at the time your son asks your advice regarding his destiny, you consider it an honor to advise him to be a Lawyer.
Eduardo J. Couture
Translation by James A. Diaz
Some adaptations by Alejandro Galván Gómez
Couture’s Decalogue is a clear expression of the aspirations of advocacy, that must tend to the highest ideals of justice. Galvan Law is a product of alumni from the Universidad Iberoamericana, there for the ideals it persues are tainted by Jesuit philosphy. To understand the core values that enlighten the lawyer we must define their origin. Thus, I offer Phd. Miguel Villoro Troanzo’s definition of the Law:
Law is a rational system of social conduct regulations, declared mandatory by the authority deemed to be fair solutions to conflicts arising from reality. (1)
As a rational system of conduct regulations, the Law places the individual as his principle and final goal, always in the light of Justice. The lawyer, in this scope, is the instrument that the common individual has to access Justice. The practitioner is, therefor, an intermediary between the citizen and the State. In this order of ideas, the lawyer's concrete function is to contribute to the fairest enforcement of the Law. The lawyer is not, therefor, an isolated piece, independent from the institutional apparatus of law enforcement, rather, he is an integral part of it. But this does not mean that the lawyer is just another servant of the State. Better yet, State judges and lawyers should be considered servants of the Law. (2) A person who pursues advocacy as a profession not only chooses an honest livelihood. That person also chooses a life style, establishing his own identity, affirming a preferred path over others. Choosing advocacy must constitute a synthesis of values, ideals and our own reality (3). Serving the Law is a matter of conviction. A person cannot follow what he doesn’t believe in. The Law is animated by ideals of justice and peace in social interaction. If a person serving the Law doesn’t believe in such ideals, he cannot be an honest servant of Justice. Thus, the lawyer is in charge of the defense of the rights and duties imposed by regulations. But such defense and compliance do not find their foundation in the profession, but in human nature. Reason, will and liberty, constitute for mankind an immense power: they are both an honor and a risk. Reason and liberty are, properly, the soul, the immediate foundation of human dignity; without reason or liberty (again, properly, without spirit), mankind would not be above other beings and the latter won’t be ordered to mankind, as to their natural end; the same cosmological rules that govern all beings, among them, instinct, will govern mankind, forcefully, fatally and there will be no possibility for regulations or rules. Therefor, it becomes evident that it has been human reason and liberty that have made regulations necessary and because of that, mankind is a subject of such order (4). As free and rational beings it is impossible for us to escape the established order for social interaction. The lawyer, however, must understand that such order is not a chain that prevents or limits the conscience (the spirit) of man; more likely it should be considered as a vehicle to transport the individual to higher levels of consciousness and more dignified states of liberty and rationality. The State must warrant the existence of this vehicle by forming institutions of decision, execution and prevention in order to guarantee the Rule of Law. The bridge between such institutions and the common individual, the citizen, is the lawyer. Furthermore, the law professional is bound (for it is his duty) to become a link between the State and the social environment, defending or accusing. The only way the lawyer will know what side to choose will be by knowing, living, the principles that should guide the jurists’ minds. (5) So far we have not emphasized the relationship between moral and legal regulations. Inmanuel Kant, says the first is unilateral, interior, non-coercive and autonomous; while the latter is bilateral, exterior, coercive and heteronomous. The need for the Science of Law to be autonomous from Morality has led to the belief that the Law is totally detached from Morality. The distance between them, however, is smaller than it seems. The law takes human activity from a collective standpoint and through secular institutions; while Moral takes the same human activity from an individual standpoint, through the person itself. What is clear is that both have the same subject matter: righteousness of human conduct. (6). Both Moral and Law coexist and are related indissolubly by their common origin. Both are expressions of a Culture, immerse in a certain moment (space and time). As expressions of such a Culture they are a source for one another and are hardly conceived dissociated as they constitute an expression of the principles of a human group in a given place and time. Regardless, Morality and Law have very definite limits, human law does not forbid all those habits avoided by the virtuous, only the very serious ones, those that most persons may avoid, and mainly, those that are against the other’s rights, that if not forbidden, would make human interaction impossible(7). Consistently with the last goal of the Law, that is to solve conflicts arisen from social interaction peacefully. Human conduct that doesn’t interfere or affect the collective must not be regulated by the Law (8), in order to protect individual liberty, its fundamental principle of existence. The Law must respect privacy and should only intervene when common good is clearly and presently endangered (9). Confronted to an unjust regulation, the lawyer is placed at a crossroads. Even when his duty is to set Justice above the law, he will have to ponder and consider a series of factors around the consequences in his social endeavour of the enforcement of an unjust regulation, regarding the common good. Confronted to a tyrannical regulation, gravely unjust and rejected by large sectors of the population, armed rebellion may be justified. However, before taking such a delicate decision, the possibility of success of such rebelion should be pondered and if such means won’t bring greater damage than those intended to avoid. (...) For the lawyer, opposition may be to use all legal resources in the system and available to him (10).
Limits to human justice should not deter the jurist. Instead, bring him closer to reality in his fight for absolute justice. Its the latter that brings meaning to his profession. The lawyer my loose a good cause, he may tumble with the incomprehension of a judge or succumb to an adversary’s cunning. (...) Each jurist must see himself as a soldier in an army fighting for absolute justice, each giving the best he can (11).
A lawyer must pursue the highest principles in his practice:
Of service to Justice through the Law;
Avoid litigiousness;
Professional decor and dignity;
Liberty and independence;
Respect for Moral and Law;
Respect for professional morale;
Professional honor and dignity;
Cooperation with law enforcement;
Economical disinterest;
Responsibility to ask for Justice;
Avoid “success at any cost”. (12)
Over the basis of the above mentioned exposition, in search of a graphical expression of the principles behind our practice, I proposed the following logo back in the time:
After a few years that proposal evolved and transformed into our current image:
Where, the enveloping circle represents Justice, from where the Law must be interpreted, understood and enforced. The square, enveloped by the circle, is a representation of the Law, the written regulation and applicable in a certain society at a given moment. And, finally, the triangle, inserted in the square, represents the enforcement of Justice through the Law. All three figures are placed under a relation of hierarchy and dependency, in a way that the shape that governs and envelopes everything is the circle. Nor the Law or its enforcement must go beyond the boundaries of Justice.
(1) Villoro Toranzo, Miguel; "Introducción al Estudio del Derecho"; Editorial Porrúa, séptima edición, México, 1987, pág. 127 (2) Villoro Toranzo, Miguel; "Deontología Jurídica"; Textos Universitarios, Departamento de Derecho, Universidad Iberoamericana, México, DF, 1987, pág. 54 (3) Villoro Toranzo, Miguel; "Deontología Jurídica";Textos Universitarios, Departamento de Derecho, UniversidadIberoamericana, México, DF, 1987, pág. 66 (4) Simón, René Moral; pág. 372; Citado por Villoro Toranzo, Miguel; "Deontología Jurídica"; pág. 112 (5) Villoro Toranzo, Miguel; "Deontología Jurídica"; Textos Universitarios, Departamento de Derecho, Universidad Iberoamericana, México, DF, 1987, pág. 137 (6) Villoro Toranzo, Miguel; "Deontología Jurídica"; Textos Universitarios, Departamento de Derecho, Universidad Iberoamericana, México, DF, 1987, pág. 153 (7) Santo Tomás; Suma Teológica; 1-2, q.95, a.2. Citado por Villoro Toranzo, Miguel; "Deontología Jurídica"; pág. 156 (8) Villoro Toranzo, Miguel; "Deontología Jurídica"; Textos Universitarios, Departamento de Derecho, Universidad Iberoamericana, México, DF, 1987, pág. 156 (9) Villoro Toranzo, Miguel; "Deontología Jurídica"; Textos Universitarios, Departamento de Derecho, Universidad Iberoamericana, México, DF, 1987, pág. 158 (10) Villoro Toranzo, Miguel; "Deontología Jurídica"; Textos Universitarios, Departamento de Derecho, Universidad Iberoamericana, México, DF, 1987, pág. 159 (11) Villoro Toranzo, Miguel; "Deontología Jurídica"; Textos Universitarios, Departamento de Derecho, Universidad Iberoamericana, México, DF, 1987, pág. 161 (12) Villoro Toranzo, Miguel; "Deontología Jurídica"; Textos Universitarios, Departamento de Derecho, Universidad Iberoamericana, México, DF, 1987, pág. 171